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It’s so, like, ubuntu…

Recently, just before a small performance at the fringe of the fringe of the Grahamstown festival, I wondered past two very happy looking teenagers, their eyes curled heavenwards to the sunset in a state of marijuana-induced peacefulness, their tie-dyed fairy shirts flapping in the breeze. “Oh dude, check out the sky” remarked one to the […]

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The Wada code: How invasive is it?

The BCCI’s recent refusal to become a signatory of the Wada (World Anti-Doping Agency) code opened a proverbial can of worms in relation to the invasive nature of testing. More specifically, athletes are aggrieved that they have to notify Wada, or the body that represents them that signed the Wada code, of their whereabouts for […]

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Of and concerning Zuma

Zuma is a beautiful boy. His big doleful eyes and playful face have been a hit with the press. Every photographer making funny gobbledygook sounds to try and get his attention. Moving the camera about until the light catches that soft wisp of hair on his shining dome. Much to everyone’s delight, he has now […]

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Something is wrong, very wrong

You know that numinous, uncomfortable feeling you get when you sense that something is very wrong? It kind of ties a knot in your belly just below your breastbone and sometimes even hurts at your temples and between your shoulder blades. Your brows involuntarily furrow and your eyes widen as your pulse quickens. And what’s […]

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English Premier League preview

Champions — Chelsea The master plan of Roman Abramovich has been threatening for three seasons now and with the Blues under the management of Carlo Ancelotti, they might just have the bottle to take the Premier League title away from United, who in turn will have to cope without the magic of Cristiano Ronaldo. There […]

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A new way to evaluate cricketers

It may be somewhat surprising when you think about how, in over 13 decades of cricket’s well-documented existence, we only have one known way to judge cricketers — batting and bowling averages. The void that this leaves is quite huge. Measuring cricketers only through their averages is liable to give skewed and unreliable results. Averages […]