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Tears, masculinity, death

The most powerful memory of my father is the last one. I was starting to walk from our home to school on a large plot in Boksburg when I heard him calling me, “Rod, Roddy, Roddy!” Age seventeen, angry and rebellious, I was annoyed because he would often imperiously call me, summons me, without giving […]

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The centre cannot hold

By Athambile Masola “Things fall apart The centre cannot hold Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world” Yeats’ words from the poem The Second Coming are often used to allude to a state of affairs that demands attention from everybody. Today, this aptly describes the state of South Africa’s education system. Things are falling apart […]

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The backlash…quapissssssssssssh

I’ve made a mistake. How silly of me. Women’s abuse isn’t important. How naive of me — democracy is about equality, about sharing the rights granted in the Constitution. So of course women’s rights are no longer something to consider — I mean they’re already achieved in some pretty paper in some high office in […]

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Head on the block: Who will win the Super 14?

The Super 14 began in earnest on Friday morning with the Hurricanes overcoming a deficit and defeat the highly talented (but inconsistent) Blues. So, before the competition gets truly underway, it is time to place one’s head on the guillotine (which was designed by a Scotsman interestingly enough) and decide who is going to win […]

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Keeping it REEL

By Marius Redelinghuys As Mandela Rhodes Scholars in residence, living the legacy of Nelson Mandela and delivering on the promise of leadership is a central element of the scholarship and also of every individual scholar. In reflecting on the promise of leadership, by asking the question, how Mandela Rhodes Scholars contribute to delivering the promise […]

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African football on the decline

After watching the recent ended African Nations Cup, I have to say African football is on a downward spiral and this asks a lot of questions about their performance in the upcoming world cup, a first on African soil. African football is always about skill and flair mixed with creativity and dribbling which would lead […]