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The head or the heart?

By Candice Holdsworth A female protestor wishes to make it perfectly clear: “This isn’t a political issue it’s a sensitivity issue.” A sentiment shared with the multitudes marching alongside her on the streets of New York, united in their vehement opposition to the building of a mosque in lower Manhattan, two blocks from Ground Zero. […]

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Remembering my grandfather

My grandfather was a remarkable man. Although his life was far from easy at times, he in every sense was the personification of humanity, dignity, strength, loyalty, generosity and honesty. He was always there to help someone out, even strangers. He was free of prejudice. He never judged a book by its cover. He travelled […]

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Open letter to President Jacob Zuma

By Lee Hall Mr President, you state that “ … this right [media freedom] cannot not be allowed to enjoy greater protection than [other freedoms] enshrined in the Constitution”. Strangely enough, it is not so much “media freedom” that is under threat here. Rather, it is my constitutional right to choose freely what information I […]

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Identity: A complex thing

In the first of their trilogy of books — Empire, Multitude and Commonwealth — Michael Hardt and Antonio Negri make a distinction between two kinds of racism: “modern racism” and “postmodern racism”. The first, they point out, is recognisable by an essentialism of biological properties, specifically the pigmentation of one’s skin, which is supposed to […]

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Sour grapes: PdV sacked for causing poker brawl

Breaking news: Peter de Villiers, the Springbok coach, will at the conclusion of the Springbok’s end-of-year tour to Europe, vacate his position as the No 1 brain with the world champions. Rumours have surfaced, via a high-level source, that De Villiers finally went too far and bluntly put, pissed off his bosses real good. Many […]

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SMS improves communications for deaf

Up until the beginning of the 20th century, the island of Martha’s Vineyard, off the east coast of the US, had 20 times more deaf inhabitants for its population size than the rest of the country. But the islanders didn’t consider this hereditary deafness a disability because the entire community, both hearing and deaf, were […]

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When did we lose our rainbow manners?

By Julie Reid My mother was a remarkably intelligent, though unashamedly outspoken and un-politically correct woman. One of the things which irritated her most about the public rhetoric of the post-1994 “halo period” was the politically-correct tone of discussions; in the media, between politicians, among public figures and so on. Remember those days? When we […]

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Ban the cabbage! Viva the vuvuzela!

By Mohamed Fayaz Khan The recent news that the PSL (of all organisations) is considering banning the vuvuzela from all future PSL games came as a shock especially after the vociferous support it received from Safa and all “true” South African soccer supporters in the run-up to the World Cup. If one recalls, Fifa actually […]

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Storm clouds gather over Old Trafford

Wayne Rooney’s surprising agreement to a new five-year contract with Manchester United, considering the amount of press coverage his apparent fallout with manager Sir Alex Ferguson generated in the space of days, is only a respite from the club’s current problems. Granted, Ferguson once again showed his managerial skill in keeping Rooney for another five […]