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Melbourne ‘Bokkie’ eyes the next step

Professional rugby has seen players represent teams from all over the world, with the number of South Africans plying their trade in Europe a well-known phenomenon. One man who already knows more about travel than most is 19-year-old JP du Plessis. Du Plessis represented Western Province at the 2009 Craven Week in East London, and […]

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A tale of two averages

By Greg Hurvitz Undoubtedly the purist cricket enthusiast is in cricket heaven over this festive season and rightly so, with the Proteas dismissing the Indians for another surprisingly low first innings total, this time 205 all out. These are the “ranked” number one and two teams playing against each other. Way down under we have […]

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The imagined threat of ‘die swart gevaar’

It is often difficult for human beings to readily discard particular views and prejudices that had long been imprinted in their minds through socialisation and experience. Often our worldview is informed by these particular conceptions, however preposterous they may be. People interpret facts before them according to their well-ingrained conceptions of what reality is and […]

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The year ahead for SMS

2011 is the year South African consumers become amongst the best protected in the world thanks to two important new laws. Far from seeing this as a threat, businesses should see this as a huge opportunity for improved customer communications, especially if they have SMS included in the mix. This is one of the main […]

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Human, all too human

Issues of human origins and ancestry have more often than not been coupled with, and clouded by, a battle of identity. The history of our species is littered with examples and madmen who have attempted to carve out a distinct identity for a people, and usually for nefarious reasons. The notion of a separate, “chosen […]

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What I wanted for Christmas

Well, Christmas has come and gone. I did not get what I really wanted. What I really wanted was a good bottle of castor oil! You see, my late mother used castor oil for pretty much everything that ailed the children in the house. You had a cold, castor oil would fix it. There was […]

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What is a liberal communist?

Like all oxymorons, the oxymoron (literally:”sharp-blunt”), “liberal communist”, seems to combine the impossible. And yet, as every lover knows, Shakespeare’s “sweet sorrow” of Romeo and Juliet’s parting is all too real. So, too, the fact that liberal communists, who ironically call themselves by that phrase, are an all too tangible part of our world. As […]

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Happy New Year South Africa

I found myself writing a very serious and cliché ridden New year’s message. Yammering on about crime, violence, optimism, the World Cup, etc. Instead I will cut myself short and say just this — have fun, work hard, do unto others. Most importantly be an active, vigilant citizen. The politicians will not sort this country […]