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In praise of animals – our fellow creatures

Animals – and not just pets, all kinds of animals – do not enjoy the care and acknowledgement of being our veritable brothers and sisters, as living beings, that they should by right receive. This much is beyond debate. The obscene practice of killing rhino for the supposedly medicinal and/or aphrodisiac properties of their horns, […]

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Children are the future

On the occasion of my 28th birthday in March this year, the message from my mother was slightly different from that of years gone past: “Happy birthday son. You know I’m now eagerly anticipating the day you bring someone home and of course, also looking to hold your child in my hands.” From where I […]

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Client-driven development the key to software success

Close partnerships with clients are the key to success for software development companies. Whether you’re developing for an individual consumer or for business, giving customers what they truly need and want is the best route to long-term success. We like to develop new functionality and modules in partnership with specific clients. Once we’ve identified a […]

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Euro crisis: What are they on about?

Europe’s debt crisis is looming large over the global economy. Reports are everywhere you turn, but they are often confusing. They tend to be heavy with jargon and light on background. The following quote from a story published by Reuters recently is fairly typical. “German debt prices rose and Spanish bond yields briefly jumped on […]

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Igesund to finally get his chance?

Bafana Bafana sunk to a new low after drawing 1-1 with Botswana, a country with barely two million people versus South Africa’s 50 million. Perhaps the worst part was that such a disappointing showing in Gaborone was almost not surprising, such has been the malaise surrounding the national soccer team this year. Underachievement has become […]

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So let’s rewrite the Constitution

According to Thomas Jefferson, we have four years to go. He wrote to James Madison in 1789: “Every constitution then, and every law, naturally expires at the end of 19 years.” He had some funny ideas; let’s leave it at that. Constitution writing has improved since the days of America’s “founding fathers”, the process described in […]

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So there is hope (and you can help)

“Do you get As?” I ask. The two girls – they must be around 11 – giggle and exchange looks. “Yes!” they say. “How many?” “Five!” “How many As will you get for matric?” “Six!” I’m at Home of Hope in Kensington. It houses 24 girls rescued from the Johannesburg inner city and as the […]