Posted inBusiness

What can we learn from Nollywood?

Ever heard of Nollywood? Sure you will have heard of Hollywood and more recently have been introduced to Bollywood, India’s film industry. Nollywood? That’s Nigeria’s film industry, which boasts an annual production of about 2 000 films making this a rather respectable $500-million industry. What’s even more fascinating is the fact that these films are made […]

Posted inBusinessLifestyleMediaNews/Politics

Buyology — how we’re brainwashed into buying stuff

We’ve always suspected those tawdry health warnings on a packet of fags were rather dumb, but never knew why. Well, it seems that, contrary to discouraging smoking, they actually encourage lighting up by stimulating the nucleus accumbens — the craving spot — in the brain. This recent research finding in what’s called “buy*ology” is a […]

Posted inBusinessGeneralMediaNews/Politics

More than freedom of expression is under threat in South Africa

Thought Leader blogger Anja Merret recently mused about whether we were being brainwashed into panic. She asked, with considerable justification, whether our media and their international news networks were pumping so much doom and gloom into the already murky and polluted waters of South Africa’s national psyche that we were becoming the proudly SA Borg […]

Posted inBusinessTech

Making money on the web

It seems that effective monetising of websites may still be a hit and miss affair. In an interesting article on Brand Republic the discussion is about a video site called Hulu. According to projected ad revenue figures Hulu will be earning as much if not more advertising revenue in 2009 than YouTube will. What is […]

Posted inBusiness

Telkom: SA’s ugly underbelly

For years nations have been, rightly or wrongly, judged by their products. Coca-Cola and Big Macs have been iconic of the USA. Rolls-Royce and Aston Martin symbolised the UK. Exquisite wines, Yves Saint Laurent and grand cuisine epitomise France. Precision engineering and the finest quality are hallmarks of German products such as Mercedes-Benz. The reverse […]