Since the advent of black economic empowerment — an outward expression of the worship of money — the moral centre of the previously disadvantaged community does not hold.

As a result, many families are falling apart.

The new trend, it seems, is that many men now love money more than their wives.

After all, when you have money you have the whole world eating out of your pocket.

It gives BEE men power that attracts beautiful bimbos, which keeps them young and thus makes them neglect their families, especially their wives.

Someone needs to study the unintended consequences of BEE that seem to have destroyed the moral centre of the previously disadvantaged society.

More and more men, including those who were not born to be business people, have been misled to believe that money can buy everything.

It is unfortunate that this prevalent blind belief is that money can buy integrity, honesty, respect, truthfulness, passion, commitment and, above all, upright moral integrity.

Of course, the moneyed BEE types enjoy luxurious lifestyles that make them the envy of many of their peers, friends and family.

In the previously disadvantaged community it is common for the newly rich to become VIPs because of the cars they drive, the labels they wear on their back and the address where they live, preferably in a previous whites-only suburbs.

Unfortunately, more and more male super-achievers destroy families simply because they think that it is enough to provide material wealth for the families and thus everything else they do should neither be challenged nor questioned, especially their moral behaviour.

The advent of the “married bachelor” is, of course, not a new social phenomenon. But it has, suddenly, taken an upward swing in the previously disadvantaged community since the emergence of freedom and its corollary of economic empowerment in the late 1990s.

Social experience and observation reveals that there are far too many men — especially married BEE achievers and other corporate super-achiever types — who think that they can live like single men because they hold fat bank accounts that make it affordable.

They spend their time far into the night at drinking sessions with beautiful bimbos and concubines that make them crawl back to their marital beds before the cock crows around 3am or 4am.

To make matters worse, their wives are neither allowed nor expected to ask any questions.

After all, in a patriarchal society, a man is the head of the family. In fact, wives are lucky that they are married, have an adoring husband, good families, happy children and a father who does not sleep out.

The thinking among “married bachelors” is that material well-being and security — for which they have sacrificed too much, including quality time with their wives and families — is the cornerstone for a couple’s happiness.

The result of this is a moral justification for spending countless hours at drinking dens and expensive restaurants with demanding “clients” who make them work for too long hours.

After all, the cultivation of effective relationship is what is important for successful tenders and wheeling and dealing.

But the problem is that anyone can see that married bachelors are having a jolly good time with their “clients” who happen to be beautiful bimbos with explosive libidos and expensive material tastes.

This not only threatens family life but has also resulted in an increasing divorce rate and abuse of women, which includes absent husbands, verbal insults, psychological battering and physical threats to leave wives who will be reduced to “returned soldiers” (women who have failed in marriage).

In fact, it would seem married bachelors want the stability of a happy home without putting in the necessary emotional banking that will solidify relations at home, especially between husband and wife.

When they are at home they tend to be moody, aggressive and distant personalities who hide behind an iron wall of financial power, position and respectability. In fact, they have a “Do not disturb” sign on their faces.

But of course, everybody knows that this comes down to an unhappy man who is frustrating his family by staying in a marriage that only exists on a piece of paper.

What kind of successful man will spend more than eight hours of quality time outside his home and still be regarded as a super-achiever while he messes with family values and social morals?

I suppose such BEE types can get away with their dastardly behaviour because a money-worshiping society elevates such pathetic men to glorious super-achievers who inspire pride and confidence in economic liberation.

But this is at a huge cost to moral regeneration and social cohesion — the cornerstone for a successful democracy and effective society.

It is inconceivable why many “married bachelors” want to keep their wives, children and family when they have decided to live like divorcees or single guys.

We can only assume that it is the “culture” of the historically disadvantaged to stay married at all cost.

But logic informs those who care for moral regeneration that you cannot destroy your marriage and still have it — unless, of course, it is just a piece of paper.

It is time that disadvantaged “married widows” speak up!


Sandile Memela

Sandile Memela

Sandile Memela is a journalist, writer, cultural critic, columnist and civil servant. He lives in Midrand.

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