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Benefits of quality links

Trying to get your website to perform well? It’s not easy to grab the traffic you need in order to turn a profit but it’s not impossible either, provided you are using a sound strategy to help you out. What it’s going to take is making sure you have solid link building, which is not […]

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Measuring website conversion rates

Conversion rates have long been the determining factor of a website’s success — whether you have a fully fledged e-commerce website, lead generating website or other, your conversion rate (usually) determines the overall return and success you are getting from the website. But what exactly is conversion rate? Most people measure a website’s conversion rate […]

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Bridging the great marketing divide

The topic of traditional versus digital marketing continues to be a talking point especially among digital marketers. The ongoing debate of effectively planning and buying media online and the problems encountered with traditional media agencies isn’t something that’s going to go away anytime soon. Though many media agencies are making a considerable effort to ensure […]

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Social Media 101

Social media is almost as ubiquitous as the cellular phone (if it isn’t, it will be soon). The widespread ease of setting up your business in the social universe and the inherent low cost in doing so, has spawned many attempts both successful and some not so — by businesses trying to harness the power […]

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Will Adobe’s Flash survive?

By Yoav Tchelet Steve Jobs has openly displayed his disdain for Flash in his recent letter to the Adobe faithful. The Adobe faithful have long been hoping for Apple to include support for the Flash platform in its devices, but this recent spat has cemented the fact that Apple will not support Flash in any […]

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Could Facebook be on the verge of pushing Google aside?

By Yoav Tchelet Last week at Facebook’s f8 conference in San Francisco, CEO Mark Zuckerberg announced details of what may cement Facebook’s place as the de facto social operating system for the internet. Zuckerberg has had grand ambitions for his social darling, Facebook, for quite some time now. In 2007 he announced plans for the […]