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Google SA — nothing to blog about

After seeing the decidedly deluxe and off-beat design of the Google Zurich office that has made the rounds of the internet, it is vaguely disappointing to see this blog post about Google South Africa’s sales office. Google Zurich reeks of money and Euro-hip design which seems entirely appropriate for Google in Switzerland. Schedule a meeting […]

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Twitter saved my life!

Ok, it didn’t actually save my life but I definitely felt something change this weekend. I was sitting at home in quiet, decidedly suburban Durbanville when I heard a tremendous bang and the front door shook like it had just been hit by something very heavy. What the bork was that? I evaluated my sources […]

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SA Telecoms Cool Wall

Inspired by Rudoph Van Den Burg’s riff on Jeremy Clarkson’s TopGear Cool Wall I thought a Cool Wall for the South African telecommunications and Internet community might be fun to do. For those who haven’t seen it, the TopGear Cool Wall ranks automobile coolness on a scale ranging from SubZero to Cool to UnCool to […]

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The silence of the lambdas

Internet users in South Africa hold their breath as they wait for the arrival of new undersea cables which promise to bring much higher bandwidth at much reduced prices. Hopefully. But what constitutes a good deal in buying access to undersea fibre? It used to be that Telkom was the only deal in town but […]

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Cape Town — city of fibre

On Wednesday this week, the City of Cape Town gave the final approval to launch its groundbreaking municipal Broadband Infrastructure Project. Over the next two years, the City of Cape Town will invest close to R300-million in creating a state-of-the-art, fibre-optic network that will not only reduce the city’s telecommunications costs over time, but also […]