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We deserve another Madiba

Every so often someone comes along who is so brave and so inspiring that they move you into action. These are men and women who have the power to galvanise an entire community to do something. Whenever they are around it becomes very difficult even for the self-satisfied to sit by and remain silent. In […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Ndebele saga marks a turning point

The return of a top-of-the-range Mercedes-Benz by a senior cabinet minister marks an important turning point in the culture of entitlement and kickbacks in government circles. Transport Minister S’bu Ndebele’s decision will, inevitably, restore faith in the ANC leadership. It is not only a coordinate for taking an anti-corruption stance but a resounding statement that […]

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Why the South African Music Awards suck

Now that the brouhaha over the South African Music Awards (Sama) at the Sun City Superbowl has died down, we can say that they were a waste of time. In fact, songstress Lira, who was presented with four major awards — including Album of the Year — should have rejected them. But that would be […]

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Zuma is the last great South African hope

The advent of the Jacob Zuma presidency marks an important turning point in the meaning of freedom and democracy in South Africa. Whatever the know-all political experts and analysts may say, it will be the most important five years in the history of the liberation struggle, especially the ANC. This period will be characterised by […]