Posted inNews/Politics

The Juju joyride…

All the provincial leadership structures of the ANC Youth League have been reported to stand behind their besieged president, Julius Malema. They believe their man is under attack from unscrupulous characters who are involved in clandestine power struggles to determine who will lead the ANC in 2012 when it holds its next big elections. It […]

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Are we spoiling our children?

I find that far too many people crave social attention and desire praise for any little thing they do. This is a serious problem that perhaps reveals deep-seated feelings of inferiority and self-doubt. It has bred a culture of sucking up where people go out of their way to please or gain the approval of […]

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What about Sonono’s rights?

I never believed Sonono Khoza. Not because I thought that she deliberately lied about having sexual relations with President Jacob Zuma or because the issue of sleeping with a married man, especially a president, is trivial. I did not believe her because she seemed to be denying the obvious to the wrong people, at the […]

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We have to stop blaming others

It has been reported that 1.1 million little boys and girls enrolled for Grade 1 throughout the country this year. These beautiful ones who were born into a free and democratic society may be likened to a garden of what South Africa will look like in 2022. These are the little boys and girls who will […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The Invictus Madiba magic

Once in a while, we have a movie that pulls at the heart strings as it attempts to re-establish friendship between African people and those of European descent. On the Day of Reconciliation I went to watch Invictus by Clint Eastwood and Morgan Freeman. The movie is about how former President Nelson Mandela bent backwards […]

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Black writers, white readers

The last ten years have been marked by a strange phenomenon in black writing: a visible and negative literary portrayal of the black experience and critical assault on black identity and achievement. This is quite ironic. But black writers have, unwittingly, become enemies of everything that their people fought for. Instead, their allegiance overlooks the […]

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Africa deserves better leaders

This whole world, especially the African continent, is fast running out of leadership material. When you look around, it is very easy to see successful men and women who have “made it” in politics or business, whatever that means. In fact, the number of people, especially in the African community, who have made it in […]