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Closing the loop to translate insight into action

Full closed loop BI functionality across mobile and social networks has now become feasible, allowing enterprise BI to deliver even greater business value. MicroStrategy now makes full use of interactive closed loop capabilities to deliver even greater value from the data residing both within and outside an enterprise. Within an enterprise, mobile adds a new […]

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Business Intelligence’s social evolution

In this information age, the businesses that have the best relationship with their data are the businesses most likely to succeed. And over a very short space of time, as the amount of data has grown exponentially and the ability to access information becomes more urgent, this relationship between businesses and data has shifted from […]

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2011: The year of big data

This was the year of big data. In the last two to three years we have accumulated more data than ever before[1]. This provides both a challenge and an opportunity for companies, and the ones who get it right fastest are going to lead the pack. There are three trends related to this growth in […]

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Like, so now what?

As brand warriors battle it out on the social media platform for consumer favour, “Like” has shed its identity as a plain old verb in the English dictionary to become a sought-after means of creating a following of potential brand champions … and buyers. Social media is definitely one of the biggest trends of this […]