Most of us who pick up a magazine or newspaper rarely think about the value chain resulting in the words we read ending up on paper. The chain for Y Mag, for example, starts a decade or more in the past, probably on the KwaZulu-Natal North Coast when pine trees are planted in anticipation of […]
Kanthan Pillay
@KanthanPillay was born in 1961, Durban, South Africa; completed high school in Bangalore, India; and majored in Political Science, Princeton University. He has certificates in journalism from Boston University and from the Senior Journalist Development Programme, Niemann Foundation, Harvard University.
Previous satisfied employers include Africa Aerospace and Defence;; Independent Newspapers; Princeton University; and the Center for Advanced Studies, Research, and Development in Sardinia. He is former MD of the Yired group of companies, former CEO of 99.2 Yfm -- 'GP's hottest frequency', and current group head of online for E Media Holdings.
Kanthan loves his day job and doesn't know any other journalist who has hacked a Linux kernel.
A collection of past writings can be found at
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