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C’mon, are you really surprised that the Springboks are last on the Tri-Nations table? Think about it! Really, are you? If you answer that you are surprised that the Springboks are last on the table, then you must never take up poker or any form of gambling. It does show that you are a true […]

Posted inGeneral

Faster than a speeding bullet

Why are we so determined to send a man with no legs to the Olympic Games? Is there not another man that can run the 400m in under 45 seconds anywhere in South Africa? I think that I will make it my life’s goal to run the 400m in under 45 seconds. For what seems […]

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Do we need it?

I am sitting in front of my television on a day of which any sports lover dreams. Formula One, Tour de France, a Wimbledon final and replays of the Currie Cup rugby matches make up just a few of the channels I have at my disposal. As I watch the sport on the tellie, I […]