Posted inNews/Politics

The arrival of Islam in Africa

One common mistake about neo-conservative/right-wing thought and the general trend that followed in the wake of Huntington’s Clash of Civilisations, is that Islam “colonised” Africa. This suggestion that Islam “colonised Africa” was reflected in Lyndall Beddy’s comment of 23 July. While I hold no brief for Muslims or Islam, it should be made clear that […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Africa is far too complex for generalisations: this should be self-evident

Lyndall Beddy made a couple of comments on Thought Leader that have been problematic. The most recent of these comments was this at the bottom of a recent post: “Western Culture for centuries has satirised leaders and held them accountable. African culture, until recently has been feudal, and venerated leaders, without holding them accountable. Both […]

Posted inMediaNews/Politics

Institutions shoring up Eurocentrism and ‘Western civilisation’ are not ‘non-partisan’

A contribution to Thought Leader by David Saks reminded me of an intellectual movement with which I associate myself, and which questions the continued application of Western thought/Eurocentrism as the dominant paradigm for social organisation — especially governance, policy-making, development and so forth. Out of this movement emerges a body of thought that questions the […]

Posted inSport

A pilot sports post: First, full disclosure

Warning: This post might offend. I have been thinking about submitting the occasional contribution to Sports Leader, but always feared that I might make very many people very woes. Seriously, I have very strange politics when it comes to sport. It’s a bit like my relationship with cars; I hate them but I love driving. […]

Posted inNews/Politics

The US in the world: Barack Obama may turn out to be no different than previous presidents

Most people in the world, according to an Associated Press report, prefer Barack Obama for president of the United States. This optimism is somewhat understandable, given the global vigilantism of the ruling cabal that was identified by Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as the chief of staff of former foreign secretary Colin Powell. The cabal includes […]

Posted inGeneral

A (spazza) theory of isolated incidents

I started out writing this regular contribution at the start of 2008, at the tail end of finalising my doctoral dissertation. It was, therefore, a rather difficult period. Following the successful defence, and now being unemployed with time on my hands, I am more readily available to make a more consistent contribution to ThoughtLeader. That […]