Posted inGeneral

Training? Not me!

The other side of the fence was where I ended up at this weekend’s 5150, which is a standard distance triathlon, part of the IronMan stable. Not where I wanted to be. I wanted to be racking my bike, pulling on my wetsuit and generally partaking. But the Gods of training let me down. I […]

Posted inGeneral

My dear fellow cyclists

While cycling during the past week I realised that so many of us err in our ways. Our habits need to be changed or amended. If we wish to improve our lot with our fellow road users then we need to take immediate action. Only if we do this will we avoid being ostracised, suffer […]

Posted inGeneral

Objects in the mirror seem larger than they are

I got the all clear from the physio on Tuesday to start training again. Keep it easy he said but do a little work to warm up the muscles. This was closely followed by a consultation with a dietician who proceeded to tell me that when you’re doing an hour training session it isn’t serious […]