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Picasa is simply irresistible

When it comes to free photo-editing software, an amateur is spoilt for choice. It seems that big players are competing to bring their solutions into what used to be a very niche field, reserved for enthusiasts. For example, IrfanView, which we often recommended to our sellers for editing the images of items earmarked for sale […]

Posted inGeneral

No mouse, remote or keyboard required

This has got to be the next best thing. Not so much because of what it can do to a computer, although many will welcome an occasional reprieve from mouse-clutching. It is the anticipation of the things to come that makes the gesture recognition so exciting. Just remember how many minutes — nay, even hours […]

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Clever search goes live

It has been tantalising the internet audience for a while now: the intimation of a clever search that understands humans and gives results that are not just more or less relevant, but actually represent a correct answer to a search query. In May 2009 a new “knowledge engine” goes live. Named Wolfram Alpha, it claims […]