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Too many hands = bad website designs

I am sure that every designer works with hope that the eventual audience of his/her work will gasp with awe-filled appreciation. However, the fact of the matter is that no designer is ever able to ‘wow’ all those standing in the way of a sign-off. The long walk to a sign- off is further hampered […]

Posted inGeneral

Google learns to crawl Flash?

According to Google, they have been developing “a new algorithm for indexing textual content in Flash files of all kinds, from Flash menus, buttons and banners, to self-contained Flash websites. Recently, we’ve improved the performance of this Flash indexing algorithm by integrating Adobe’s Flash Player technology.” They explain further: “We’ve developed an algorithm that explores […]

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The OOPinacity of ActionScript3

Although ActionScript was originally conceived as a simple tool for controlling animation, it has since evolved into a sophisticated programming language for creating rich applications for the web, mobile devices, and the local desktop environment. With the launch of ActionScript 3 (AS3) under the new Adobe monopoly (used by Flex, AIR, and Flash), the language […]