1. Will Julius be present to welcome the Boks?

2. Does it really matter? Honestly, whose opinion of Julius (positive or negative) will be affected by anything he ever does?

3. Does the above not point to a greater fault in how politics is viewed, debated and understood in SA?

4. The Caster saga has been a dog show from the get go. What’s key is that lessons are have been learnt and how will they be applied in future? And what of the poor girl? What now for her?

5. The Ministerial car fiasco. Where was all this dissent when the guidelines were established? And again, why has this debate descended into race?

6. Does it make sense that the brouhaha over a few Beemers has overshadowed much more critical events like continuing service delivery protests, bungling in Free State HIV/AIDS care in the Free State, and the good work the police are doing with regard to mall heists? Typical of south Africans hey? Mouth off about the easy targets, and absolutely zip about ugly gritty issues.

7. A 14 year old in Pretoria, unhappy with being disciplined by his teacher brought a gun to school and shot the teacher. What made him think this was an appropriate course of action? Does he have no-one to talk to about such frustrations? Where did he get the gun and why is it so easy for a kid to bring a gun to school and use it? Who would be a teacher?

8. Would it not be easier to show sympathy for the striking SANDF soldiers if they behaved like erm…..people entrusted to be disciplined and vigilant in protecting our borders?

9. A traffic cop was bundled into a boot by an angry motorist this morning. I find it hard to believe that a trained officer of the law can have this happen to them so easily. Is that not in itself highly worrying?


Siyabonga Ntshingila

Siyabonga Ntshingila

Siyabonga Ntshingila is a walking example of how not to go through life productively. Having been chanced his lackadaisical way through an education at one of the country's finest boys schools and a...

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