This is what happens when you confuse your Chinas, and treat red China like blue China

It’s creeping up on me and my people with devastation in mind slowly
This lockdown, shutdown, breakdown, keep your head down, that’s controlling me
Now into the third month of socio-economic life’s very own disruption
With curfew and military policing on the streets as the new civic construction
It’s playing with me and rolling my mind up like a blazing something
Won’t mention it by name, for fear of prosecution, let’s just say some dancing
I cannot believe that the Chinese Coronavirus 5 is still
Latently attacking and killing the people at will

First up just after 9-11, 2000/3 back when it did start
When Bush was going Masada on Afghanistan and Iraq
China released SARS-CoV and it killed many people
It was contained and an antiviral found, hence no sequel

Second, a year after that first pandemic was stopped
China brought us human coronavirus NL63 to kill a lot
A mutation of human coronavirus, we put it down with grease
We convinced ourselves that we had this game in hand please

Third, within a year, China hit us again, HKU1 from mice it seems
Chinaman please deliver the doosra, you’re throwing googlies at me
Nevertheless, it was suppressed and the killing didn’t go on a spree
It was now five years on the trot of the Chinese coronavirus disease

A world cup in Africa, 2010, bought some time for the free people
We outsourced production to China through African agent treatment

Fourth Chinese wave it slammed into us 2010/2 popping up in Saudi this time
MERS it was called and it devastated across the desert Arabian lines
King of Saudi, the Arabian ruler, agreed to lay down his own royal life
To save Muhamad’s followers and keep them safe and secure from strife
His brother, the next king in line, fixed the oil price which is where the Chinese conflict began
When this drama started it was $1 a barrel, and at its height it was $120 man

So began the slow and steady long march to the penultimate instalment
Of China’s mutated and untreatable murderous coronavirus debasement

Fifth episode called SARS-CoV2 been from Wuhan Hubei China unleashed
Torn around the world like a hurricane on steroids that will find it released
Millions sick, hundreds of thousands dead and still this is not the end
It started in 2000, so that’s twenty years but in 2003 it went viral my friend
China’s been played out whenever it doesn’t get its way it’s coronavirus time
2022 is when the curtain closes on the grand Chinese coronavirus show line

Will this one mutate? Will it become drug resistant? Or will a new coronavirus emerge?
The next 3 years will be a telling lesson in diplomacy and the belligerent tendency to surge
Give China what it wants and America loses the trade war, plain down fact
Don’t give in to the Chinese terrorism and millions will die of a lack
Access to antivirals and to vaccines is with only the blessing of the Chinese
The world is starting from scratch while the Chinese already have the answers with ease
Bow down to Beijing – take directions from your Chinese masters
Else suffer the consequences of an entire generation wiped out in disasters

2003 – China didn’t get what it wanted in the war against terror – the oil price stayed skyrocketed!
2004 – China didn’t get what it wanted in US Presidential elections – Bush won again – the oil price kept buoyant
2005 – China didn’t get what it wanted – Hong Kong University told Beijing’s Thought Police to get lost
2012 – China didn’t get what it wanted when Osama was killed in 2011 – The Saudi’s kept the oil price up!
2019 – China didn’t get what it wanted with the Americans in their silly Trumpian trade war!
2020/2 – If China doesn’t get what it wants – This twenty year saga may get drawn out some more!


Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender is the Chief Political Officer of MicroGene.

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