By Jonathan Marsden

(With apologies to Robert A Hall who is the actor playing the coroner on the TV show CSI and who prepared a similar statement regarding the US.)

I’m 50 I’ve worked, hard, since I was 18. Despite three self-owned companies failing, being let down by people who should have known better, I still put in a 60-hour week. I rarely call in sick. I make a good living, but I didn’t inherit my job or my income, and I worked to get where I am. Although I was schooled during apartheid, and admit I did not have to compete with non-white people to get my first job (which I only left after twenty years), I am in the position I am through shear hard work, perseverance and stubborn persistence. Given the economy, there’s no retirement in sight, and I’m tired. Very tired.

I’m tired of the wealth gap between myself and the poor constantly raised. What the detractors never say is the I am a registered taxpayer and contribute my share to the state with very little provided back to me.

I’m tired of being told that, in terms of BEE requirements, I have to sell part of my company, (which is my fourth attempt at a successful business), despite the fact that I already directly employ 18 people, of whom 15 are non-white, and despite the fact that my new “partners” may never suffer the pain of failure, the sleepless nights of unpaid bills like I have, or who have my passion for the ongoing success and development of my staff and business.

I’m tired of being told that “race doesn’t matter”, when it’s all that matters in affirmative-action jobs, lower university admission and graduation standards for “previously disadvantaged” communities (harming them the most), tolerance for the township, a gang culture of violence and fatherless children that hurts minorities more than anyone.

I’m tired of a populace which claim to be non-racial, yet who won’t vote for an opposition party simply because it’s too white.

I’m tired of being told that xenophobic South Africans can’t be racist, and yet who in the same breath harass and murder illegal aliens, when this community generally works harder and more effectively than any natural South African. I’m willing to fast track citizenship for immigrants and “illegal” aliens, who can speak a South African language (preferably English due to its international usage in business), have a recognised skill, don’t have a criminal record and who are self-supporting without family on any state benefit … Irrespective of colour, those are the citizens we need.

I’m tired of being told that I played a part in non-white people (read black) being disadvantaged. This despite the fact that if I had been old enough I would never have voted for the Nat Party, and that when I could — along with the majority of white South Africans — I voted “YES” in the referendum to change the old apartheid order. Apparently I am still a racist!

I’m tired that apartheid (and by implication me as a white South African) is still blamed for the lack of delivery in basic services, education and medical services, even though the new order was established in South Africa over 16 years ago, and formal apartheid was done away with 20 years ago.

I’m tired of continually hearing of the lack of resources which are needed to address poverty, in a country which spent in excess of R50 billion on weapons against a threat that doesn’t exist.

I’m tired of government ministers who live lavish lifestyles totally out of sync with their constituents.

I’m tired of watching young people being “educated” in one of the worst education systems in the world. At last count, despite having one of the highest percentage budget expenditures (R215.8 billion over the medium-term period), South Africa’s education system ranked second last in more than 120 countries researched.

I’m tired of teachers and nurses being allowed to strike with impunity and, who happily watch (or in many cases cause) those who have been put in their care to suffer, with no recourse.

I’m tired in fact of any striking worker having an absolute disregard for the law and for third party persons and property. These very same people are so quick to squeal when their rights are marginalised.

I’m tired of the fact that the once proud university system in South Africa has been reduced to only one institution appearing in the list of top 200 universities in the world. Even that institution has dropped in rank since majority rule.

I’m tired of universities, which should have more to do struggling to raise their standards, yet who spend effort and time banning associations with Israeli universities that have ties to that government’s military.

I’m tired
of ideology being more important than good business practice.

I’m tired of being told that capitalism has failed, despite the fact that I pay way over minimum wages to eighteen staff, as a direct result of the capitalist economy.

I’m tired
of the nanny state changing consumer law so much that compliance becomes a new layer of inflationary cost (Read FAIS, Fica, Consumer Protection, Protection of Information etc)

I’m tired of the ruling party’s willingness to promote hate songs, but view any expression against them as racist.

I’m tired
of hearing middle-age politicians, wealthy athletes and entertainers talking about youthful mistakes, innocent mistakes or stupid mistakes, when we all know they think their only mistake was getting caught.

I’m tired of people with a sense of entitlement, whether rich or poor or politicians.

I’m tired, for that matter, of middle-age politicians being called youth.

I’m tired of the same middle-age politicians, who behave in a disgraceful and unpatriotic manner, being excused because they are children.

I’m tired
of statements against corruption being regularly made whereas in reality the practice is continually being enabled by the executive — (read removing Scorpions and the access to information bill).

I’m tired
of ruling party deployments, whose willingness to tow the party line, rather than the performance of the organisation, is the measure of success.

I tired
of ruling party deployments enabling the circumvention of the law, including the Constitution. (Example — the Scorpions’ deployee cancelling the investigation into the arms deal).

I’m tired
of “comrades” and other opportunists threatening my very existence in the country in which I am a citizen.

I’m tired
of wondering whether my children will have a future in South Africa.

I’m tired of being demonised because I have a measure of wealth that I have earned, compared to people who don’t have my work ethic.

I’m tired of a ruling party that demonises opposition parties, or for that matter any opposition.

I’m tired of constantly being threatened that my farm may be reclaimed (read stolen) from me, even though it was purchased in 2008, 14 years after the majority government came into power, and on which a bond has been faithfully serviced.

I’m tired of being told how evil all farmers are, yet the ones I know treat their workers with respect and dignity.

I’m tired of being told how greedy and bad middle-class (mainly white) South Africans are — by left-wing opportunistic millionaires like Malema and factions within the governing party. In ten years, if they get their way, South Africa will have the economy of Zimbabwe, the freedom of the press of China, the crime and violence of Mexico (already achieved), the tolerance for Christian people of Iran, and the freedom of speech of Venezuela.

I’m tired
of government’s application of new taxes which have no benefit to me or my community.

I’m tired
of being told that drug addicts have a disease and I must help support and treat them, and pay for the damage they do. Did a giant germ rush out of a dark alley, grab them, and stuff white powder up their noses while they tried to fight it off? I damn sure think druggies chose to take drugs.

I’m tired
of being told that homosexuals are gay and I am straight. Gay used to mean “happy and youthful abandon” and yet I see unhappy and happy homosexuals. My sexual preference does not dictate the angles of my body. Why does sexual orientation need to be labelled at all.

I’m tired and embarrassed of a government that won’t roundly condemn states with appalling human-rights records.

I’m tired and embarrassed of a government that won’t penalise Zimbabwe and force change. A government that uses the excuse that there is nothing it could do — yet it would be able to restrict trade, suspend rail, road and air links while also ceasing the scarce supply of South African electricity. This is the same party that is prepared to sanction legal action against companies that were prepared to operate in SA during apartheid.

I’m tired of being told that out of “tolerance” we must support Palestine in opposition to Israel. Both sides are at fault and neither will negotiate from a position of compromise.

I’m real tired of people who don’t take responsibility for their lives and actions. I’m tired of hearing them blame the government, apartheid, whites, America, the West, big business, discrimination or big-whatever for their problems.

I’m tired of being told I must lower my living standard to fight global warming, which no one is allowed to debate. I’m tired of being told I can make a difference while simultaneously Eskom is building coal-fired power stations.

I’m glad
that I am 50, because, mostly, I will not have to see the South Africa these people are making. I’m just sorry for my future grandchildren.


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