I was not going to write a follow-up to my previous post but was compelled to by an email response from a “friend”. This “friend” managed to spoil my thorough enjoyment of Koos Kombuis’s Lisa se Klavier. His email made me think quite a bit about why he wrote the email, what my response would be and why it was important to write a response. My “friend” typifies the sickness we now see in South Africa.

You see, my “friend” and I go a long, long way back, unfortunately too way back! He is very strong-handed and this led to his heavy-handedness extending to his wife. No matter how many people encouraged her to leave him, she never did. In the end, he killed her! Yet today he is a free “man” and his behaviour is typical of what we now see in the ruling party and their tendencies.

You see, nobody and no organisation owns or can claim credit to the freedom of South Africa as so many eloquent people have pointed out. South Africa belongs to all who live in it, the wealth belongs to all who live in it. It is our country, not one party’s country. (There were many bodies and organisations pushing for change.) They may want to believe this to be “true” and because of the spoils, plunder, pillage and disregard the populace. They, the privileged few, have managed to convince themselves of this “truth”.

We, The People, are my “friend’s” late wife. We continue to take this abuse. We voted for change and we continue to get nothing. We opposed the dismantling of the Scorpions, they dismantled it anyway. Did we take further steps to oppose this? Mind you, crook and political hack Jackie Selebi, who was tasked with dismantling the Scorpions, was found guilty by a court of law. Worse off, when his acts were highlighted to the then president of the country he said “trust me”. This trust was “well-earned” because we have obviously seen a thorough investigation of the arms deal. When did we lose our sense of decency and ability to take a stand, perhaps not on the legality of matters but, on right and wrong? Unlike my “friend’s” late wife, I refuse to continue to take the abuse.

Legal scholars pointed out the flow with the release of Schabir Shaik. He was released nonetheless as he obviously belongs to that privileged few club. Why would this be the case unless the perpetrators believe and know that they can and we as a populace will continue to take it? Unlike my “friend’s” late wife, I refuse to continue to take the abuse.

We have people like Judge Hlophe wasting the taxpayer’s money to fight for their jobs back. We have people like McBride using the taxpayer’s money for no other reason than the fact that they think they are more deserving. Why can we not say: “You were employed by the state. You think you should fight against your dismissal, you pay for it out of your pocket. Should you succeed in a court of law, then the state will pay your bill.” I would like to see how many of these frivolous legal actions would be going on. Why do we take the abuse?

When you read something like this, are we not owed an apology? Nku Nyembezi-Heita’s attempt to justify this is an insult. The political connection is what has been bought. Call it what it is! That way perhaps the abuse might be easier to take.

I would like to ask JZ Junior for a small donation to fix my lower primary school in Emdeni, SOWETO. To fix the heating so the kids don’t freeze during the cold, winter months. The school’s name is Ezibambele Lower Primary School, your donation would be greatly appreciated. Let’s get this BEE thing right so that it doesn’t only benefit the politically connected. Perhaps there is another approach.

Let’s use the much-talked about HSBC acquisition of Nedbank as an example. Instead of giving X% to the connected, the CEO of Nedbank might propose to the board members that the money be used to start a national education fund. This fund will provide bursaries to all, ALL, South African children who aspire to attend tertiary institutions but may not have the funds. Now that would be a start to BEE that would benefit the nation. I refuse to continue to take this abuse like my “friend’s” late wife.

How dare I point out the obvious in my blog? Because I care is my answer! Because the blood of many in this country who made the ultimate sacrifice, of different skin shades (as if it should matter), because not only the privileged few political hacks contributed and surprise, surprise, because I am South African and the Constitution affords me that right. I will continue writing and speaking my mind. I refuse to continue to take this abuse like my “friend’s” late wife.

Opposition parties from all spheres said do not appoint the political hack Rasool as ambassador to the US. He is now in DC as an ambassador. Does it not matter that the ruling party had recalled him because of his behaviour? When did we as a country lose our sense of wrong and right? Do we not deserve better? I refuse to continue to take this abuse like my “friend’s” late wife.

The assault and abuse continues with the media tribunal “proposal” and Protection of Information Bill. “Overwhelming support?”. How dare you now also assault the intellect of the nation’s people? What support? How many people were canvassed to come to this conclusion? Party branches do not represent the views of the population as a whole. Which firm is responsible for the audit so We The People can be assured this is just not another one of the assaults to make yourselves feel good? If there is a need for bad publicity to be exposed it is because of the political hacks who ride the gravy train. Why is the private sector not voicing its opinions loudly? Why do members of Parliament grow more silent on this by the day? I refuse to continue to take this abuse like my “friend’s” late wife.

Lastly, because We The People pay the taxes which pay the salaries of all national and provincial civil servants and as the recipient of the assault and abuse, I have one request, the names of all the ANC deployment committee members. I think that as a taxpayer I have the right to know who selects the people whose salaries I pay. If I knew who they were this would make your continued abuse somewhat tolerable. I am sure that thus far I have been very compliant with your assault, abuse and attempts to erode my sense of decency but I refuse to continue to take this abuse like my “friend’s” late wife.

Disclaimer: The characters in this blog are fictitious and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.


Lucky Ntuli

Lucky Ntuli

Lucky Ntuli is a father of two boys and one girl. He grew up in Emdeni, Soweto. He yearns for the day boerewors will be available in all butcheries around the world and biltong will be accepted as the...

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