If you are in the 30-plus age bracket, chances are, you will not see Zimbabwe rise again in your lifetime.

Now before you accuse me of being an unfeeling pessimist, I am not by any means suggesting that Zimbabwe will never recover. I am merely asserting that based on the multi-faceted dynamics which have shaped the nation’s infamous decline, a return to the former glory days (when the country was considered a bread-basket of the region), is unlikely to be breathtakingly swift.

All indications are that the journey to recovery will be painstakingly slow.

This is because Zimbabwe suffered one of the worst kinds of crises a nation can go through – the creeping kind, which like some incurable disease, gradually sapped the country of its substance and strength. This creeping crisis which took many years to unfold, has destroyed the spirit of the nation. More fundamentally, the creeping crisis, fatally warped the psyche of Zimbabweans, who through being subjected to one deprivation after another, became over-accustomed to the ravages of mediocre governance to the point where they lost a sense of outrage in their hearts.

Outrage is often the result of a sudden and tragic upheaval in one’s life. In fact, that sort of outrage is a good thing. At the level of a nation, outrage can inspire new ways of coping, innovation and tremendous progress. One only has to look at Japan, which after the catastrophe of the Atom Bomb during World War II, went on to rebuild an astonishing economy, which today is a potent player in global trade.

In Africa, the wonderful story of Rwanda’s growth continues to be told, as a testament to the provocations of this brand of righteous national outrage. Rwanda, a country which experienced some of the most heinous crimes visited upon humanity is now steadily surging ahead towards a future filled with possibilities, refusing to be chained to a dark and disabling history of genocide.

Like the frog in the pot which barely noticed it was slowly being boiled alive as the intensity of the heat under it was gradually raised, we now have a nation, Zimbabwe, which notwithstanding the fact that she hasn’t absolutely succumbed to the heat, she nonetheless, has become so hopelessly disoriented to an extent where she knows not which way to turn, even going as far as doing the unthinkable – turning to her former enemies for help, the IMF for example.

I for one do not trust the IMF. My reservations of them being acolytes of a Global Elite are legendary. But more on this in another post. Be that is it may, I nearly fell off my chair when I read the other day that Zimbabwe could ask the IMF for debt forgiveness (http://www.timeslive.co.za/africa/article540873.ece/Zim-to-ask-for-debt-relief), an act which in one fell swoop, would consign the country to the status of a poor country.

Believe me, being rechristened as a “poor country” by the IMF is not act of compassion. On the contrary, it is an act of veiled subjugation. The tragic tale of the IMF wreaking social disaster in Zimbabwe and elsewhere is well documented. As John Perkins observes in his bone-chilling book, “Confessions of an Economic Hitman”, ultimately the countries designated as poor are forced to accept enormous development and reconstruction loans, which cause them to become more indebted than before. Examples of such so called poor nations are rife and strangely, the victims list, with a few exceptions, is made up exclusively of resource rich nation states – Angola (diamonds and oil), Chad (oil), DRC (every conceivable mineral under the sun), Sierra Leone (diamonds), Tanzania (gold and diamonds), Niger (uranium, coal, iron ore, tin, etc.), Ecuador (oil, timber, etc.), Panama (timber, copper, etc.), Sudan (oil), etc.

But really, why are such resource-rich nations deemed to be poor? It’s a blinding paradox!

My convictions are that they are only poor on paper. IMF paper that is. I do however, concede that certain politicians of these nations suffer from a dangerous kind of poverty. They lack responsible stewardship. They have been known to prefer being corrupted by the corporations which come in to execute IMF facilitated projects, at the expense of their peoples’ progress.

If Zimbabwe is intent on not falling in this trap, she must choose her future wisely. A future as an IMF designated poor country is too gloomy a prospect to contemplate. Should Zimbabwe, by asking for debt forgiveness end up accepting the IMF “poor-country” status, the country risks being saddled with a chronic debt-dependency problem, for which she will pay dearly with blood and tears for generations to come.

Several options remain open to Zimbabwe before she can resort to the desperation of yet another IMF bailout. One option is to leverage her astounding diamond and platinum resources for the benefit of the entire nation (and not just the elite). Leading authorities on the matter, suggest that Zim’s Marange diamond fields have the potential to supply a quarter of the world’s diamonds (http://www.mg.co.za/article/2010-07-23-maranges-field-of-broken-dreams) and that the country could rake in as much as US$ 1.2 billion per month if the diamonds are sold under the Kimberley Process.

Above all, Zimbabwe must regain her sense of outrage; the same sense of outrage which compelled ordinary Zimbabwean men and women to fight racial injustice during the Guerrilla War and in the process transformed these men and women into towering figures of Africa’s liberation history.

The time has come for Zim’s post-war generation to fight a different type of liberation war; a war against individuals and institutions which would have them enslaved in economic poverty. Zimbabweans have suffered for too long for them to be complicit in prolonging their misery.

For Zimbabweans to see a sustained recovery within the next decade, they must steer clear of IMF prescriptions and harness the political will to halt the blood diamond trade (http://www.mg.co.za/article/2010-07-24-counting-the-cost-of-zims-blood-diamonds). Otherwise, it could well turn out to be a case of running so hard just to stand still, for the next 50 years.


Jeremiah Kure

Jeremiah Kure

Jeremiah Kure is a professional working in the corporate governance arena, based in Johannesburg. He is the founder of the Heights We Must Climb movement and a firm believer in a progressive Africa; an...

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