Of all the crazy things I’ve heard since JZ came into power, this is one of the worst. The idea that the media and the public (yes readers, you and me) should not say anything critical of Jacob Zuma because he’s the president is a slap in the face of our already colander-like democracy. Enough now.

When Julius Malema says something stupid, we have a right to tell him that it’s stupid. When Helen Zille elects an all-male cabinet, we have a right to tell her that it’s not constitutional. Similarly, when the President of the Republic has unprotected sex, with someone outside of his marriage, despite claiming that the rest of the nation needs to have protected sex to prevent the spread of HIV we have a right to say — Hey dude, practise what you preach.

That’s what we’ve done. This is not about the child, it’s about Zuma. This is not about Miss Khoza, it’s about Zuma. This is not about morals, it’s about sexual safety.

Stop pussyfooting around the real issues and double-speaking your way out of responsibility Mr Zuma.

And as for the rest of the members of the spineless ANCYL, if you can remove your heads from JM’s bum long enough, it’s time to look around and wonder if it might be time to find a new party to become a member of.



Jen Thorpe

Jen Thorpe

Jennifer is a feminist, activist and advocate for women's rights. She has a Masters in Politics from Rhodes University, and a Masters in Creative Writing from UCT. In 2010 she started a women's writing...

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