Dear healthcare professionals and practitioners in and of South Africa

Greetings and best wishes

I have of late been given reason to make (uninformed and somewhat uneducated) comments, in a semi-satirical manner, about the state of healthcare in the public domain.

For your reference the articles in question are:

July 7 2009 — So we are at war

July 2 2009 — NSFAS Bank Statement

Document for the NSFAS Bank Plan

July 2 2009: Where is the care?

June 29 2009: Stop conning us

April 5 2009: Sex offenders must be stopped

I would like an opinion as to whether the ideas suggested are in fact feasible or whether I need to return to my point of departure and seek a new path.

I firmly believe that:

  1. My suggested plan to agglomerate the healthcare budget of the SANDF and the budget of the DoH, as well as the plan to make the NSFAS Bank responsible for paying for the hospital-based training costs of healthcare practitioners and professionals will provide more resources to the public healthcare system and that
  2. My plan to integrate the public and private healthcare domains on the basis of mutual participation in the services delineated by the proposed NHI (or NHSI, as I suggest) plan, will add more service delivery capacity in a more decentralised manner to the public healthcare environment.

Nonetheless as a layperson I recognise that I have no locus in terms of the Health Professions Act to make decisions about the manner in which patients receive their healthcare and I make no claim to propounding educated opinions in these regards.

Kind regards and many thanks for your kind attention.

Sincerely yours,

Avishkar Parmananden Govender


Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender

Avishkar Govender is the Chief Political Officer of MicroGene.

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