It is almost impossible to know any Truth with a capital T about what President Robert Mugabe is thinking right now.

Thus, every time Anybody who is Somebody talks or writes about what is happening in Zimbabwe, Everybody should understand clearly that Nobody knows what is going on in the big man’s head.

In fact, Everybody should shut up, for now. Nobody has the authority or power to talk with confidence about where, exactly, Mugabe stands on what is happening there. Not fully.

Even Somebody who is not just Anybody, like his beautiful wife, Grace, cannot tell the world what Mugabe’s thoughts are on the latest developments.

Thus it is literally impossible for Everybody to know the truth about what Mugabe is thinking, especially media-created experts and analysts.

Following the SADC summit over the weekend, for instance, there are far too many Somebodies who want to tell Everybody about what is going on in Mugabe’s head without the man himself opening his mouth.

When Anybody who thinks he is Somebody important speaks to Everybody, he literally sees himself as a custodian of the truth. This is self-delusion.

But it is only when Anybody critically examines what Somebody has to say that Everybody is, suddenly, hit by the realisation that Nobody knows what they are talking about. Everybody should try the impossible exercise of thinking for Oneself.

In fact, everything that Everybody, especially Anybody who is the self-important Somebody, has to say about election results in Zimbabwe is, largely, pure speculation.

I wish Everybody would stop being so gullible. Nobody has to take and memorise everything that Somebodies have to say, for their thoughts and ideas are not the gospel truth.

The regional leaders of Africa’s southern tip had a meeting recently without the Zimbabwean president himself. Thus it is amazing that Anybody who is Somebody can say this or that about what is inside Mugabe’s head.

This has spilt over to Anybody where Everybody is debating and arguing with Nobody who knows exactly what Mugabe is thinking and planning.

Ironically, we urgently need a gutsy Anybody who will awaken Everybody to realise that not everything said by Somebody and Everybody about Mugabe is necessarily the Truth. It is just Somebody’s perception.

The media call anti-Mugabe propaganda “analysis”, which is then fed to the world to be repeated by Everybody.

If the world were sane, Everybody would take it easy when it comes to anything said by Anybody who is Somebody about Mugabe, especially hand-picked media analysts.

Of course, freedom of speech allows Anybody to say what he likes because he is Somebody, but Nobody should expect Everybody to be gullible on the Mugabe issue. There must be Somebody who realises that not everything said by Anybody is the gospel truth.

Not to Everybody’s surprise, Nobody can be found who can tell the world exactly about what is going on in Mugabe’s mind regarding the election results. At least, not for now.

In fact, I have not come across Anybody who can say for sure what Mugabe’s private thoughts are on what Everybody calls a “crisis” or his ideas on the way forward.

Still, if Somebody were to say Mugabe had lost, there would be no way to prove to Everybody they were right or wrong.

Also, Anybody wearing rose-coloured glasses can say that for a man his age, Mugabe may want to retire in peace and is not interested in holding on to power. But Nobody would want to believe that even if Everybody is not be able to disprove that.

Just like Nobody, Everybody does not know what is going in Mugabe’s mind about the current state of Zimbabwe. Indeed, it is impossible now for Everybody to grasp the real truth.

It is a subtle point but Everybody needs to hear it often.

This is something that must be said repeatedly: Anybody who is Somebody is telling Everybody who cares to listen about Mugabe but Nobody knows the absolute Truth about what the man is thinking following the elections.

The counting has been done but results have yet to be released.

Now the whole world has to rely on what Somebody has to say although Nobody knows, for sure, what the big man is thinking — at least, for now.

Of course, this does not mean that it is impossible to speculate and thus give thumb-suck explanations of what is going on in Mugabe’s head or Zimbabwe. The media are having a field day.

What needs to be pointed out is that, of course, Anybody can say anything to Everybody but Nobody should believe everything they read in the media.

Not too long ago, I witnessed Anybody engage two “expert” Somebodies on what Mugabe may be thinking.

The first Somebody said: “Mugabe is smart enough to know that his time is up. He wants to retire sooner to enjoy his last days in peace. He agrees that a new generation needs to take over.”

Of course, this first Somebody was convinced that he was right.

Later, a second expert Somebody thought differently: “Mugabe is a power monger who refuses to relinquish power even when he can see the writing on the wall. He would rather die than.”

So, how can Everybody know what the truth is? Is there such a thing as Somebody who can know and tell Everybody about what Mugabe is thinking without speaking to the big man himself?

What can Everybody know with Anybody who is Somebody refusing to admit that Nobody knows about what Mugabe is thinking? Is it just silly, self-aggrandising politics? Is Everybody stupid to listen to what all-knowing Somebody has to say?

Well, Anybody can say what he likes or thinks about Mugabe and Zimbabwe. But Nobody knows the Truth, yet. methinks.

For what is Truth?


Sandile Memela

Sandile Memela

Sandile Memela is a journalist, writer, cultural critic, columnist and civil servant. He lives in Midrand.

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