I’m excited to be able to share some info relating to a project we’re working on that makes it possible for vida e caffe patrons to access HipZone hotspots free of charge. This is all possible through an advertising platform that combines hardware with webware and that’s only the beginning of a whole new world.

We created a platform for HipZone that uses wireless routers with custom firmware to rewrite the pages they serve in order to make public Wi-Fi free to venues and customers, all of this supported with advertising.

For the first time we are able to create amazing applications by leveraging specific interactions between hardware and software, which just plainly didn’t exist last year, however, much more is possible for companies.

Here are some ideas:

— Why not track all your clients on your web-based CRM system, and when they phone in, allow your VoIP PBX to identify the number and call up the client details. This will allow anyone in your company to immediately know who they’re talking to.
— How about tracking your mobile sales-force or support teams using iPhones. They can relay their location back to your offices, allowing appointments to be scheduled while immediately knowing who’s where on a shared Google Map?
— New iPhone applications show how this can really be pushed, by allowing functions like:
— Erasing all your private data on your iPhone if lost or stolen.
— Locating the nearest and unlocking your Zipcar rental via your iPhone.

The most exciting thing is that this technology is accessible — any business can enjoy it, not only big corporations.


Francois Botha

Francois Botha

Francois Botha is the founder and lead quickThinker of quickOnline, a niche digital marketing company that makes online simple. He's been in the online game since 2002 and has built up a healthy reputation...

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