With the massive demand for web services versus the terrible lack of hire-able skills in industry, companies find themselves in a position of only being able to outsource work to companies that have the necessary resources to meet their client’s demands.

As one company outsources work to another, the receiving company is likely to outsource the work to yet another company and so the chain is constructed. Everybody wants a piece of the pie and this precise chain of piggybacking greed is going to result in large costs and poor delivery. We live in a day and age where technology keeps us all connected easily and constantly, enabling us to communicate quickly. However, as the client, when you need an answer and the question has to go through 4 or 5 chains of command, all via email, you’re going to end up waiting at least several hours for a response, praying that the response you receive is accurate and doesn’t require further explanation. The concept of broken telephone comes to mind.

It worries me to think that this very trickle effect is going to land us all in a position where costs are excessive and deliveries are weak. If this is the case, we’re going to experience a huge setback in terms of evolving as a country in the online space, and might find ourselves damaging relationships with international business partners.


Christopher Mills

Christopher Mills

Christopher Mills is the Founder and Director of iMod Digital, a cutting edge Digital Marketing Agency based in Cape Town, South Africa.

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