I awoke this morning to find out that Darren Scott has reportedly resigned from both SuperSport and Jacaranda 94.2 after it was reported that he referred to a colleague as a k*****.

I don’t know Scott personally at all but have come to respect him as I’m sure many have over the years as a professional broadcaster and radio host. A long-time face on SuperSport and voice on South African radio, the suddenness of his departure and the reported reason why leaves a bitter taste in my mouth. The delicate balance that is South Africa was begun by Nelson Mandela, who created the beginnings of a nation out of nothing but the hope of a better life for all. Nearly 20 years later, we are only a little further down the road to achieving that goal.

That is what makes Scott’s remarks, considering his position as a leading media figure in South Africa, so disappointing. We need public figures to set an example to those who might think otherwise, but by reverting to the dark ages of South African public discourse, Scott has once again reminded us why South Africans are often wary of trusting one another. Was the optimism generated by last year’s Soccer World Cup merely a façade or was it real? Race should always be spoken about in the context of our morally bankrupt past, but arguably like the Bullards and Manyis of this world, not like this.

It’s a shame and also disgusting. His reported resignation, if true, was the only choice and now Scott will have to suffer the consequences of his actions. The public requires individuals who they can trust and Scott betrayed that trust. Those that followed him and looked up to him have just been made that little more cynical about our future prospects as a country and republic. I wonder if that isn’t the saddest consequence of it all.


Adam Wakefield

Adam Wakefield

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