So Zlatan Ibrahimovic is apparently twice the player Samuel Eto’o is? Which form of reasoning Pep Guardiola used to come up with that conclusion I will never know.

Statistics show that the Cameroonian hitman has been the best striker in Europe over the last five years, banging in league goals for fun. And he has scored in two Champions League finals, which Barca went on to win.

That is hallowed ground which Ibrahimovic has not even smelt, content with being a flat-track bully in Italy. Yes he is one of the most skilful big men out there, but why all the fuss?

It would not be stretching a point to say that Eto’o is worth at least 40 million euros, in today’s market anyway. So the fact that Barca are also willing to stump up an extra 40 million on top of that sort of makes “Ibra” the world’s most expensive player. Sort of …

Which is just ridiculous.

Rumours abound that the real reason behind selling Eto’o is because of his troublesome nature in the changeroom. Well, considering he scored 35 goals while still being a nuisance, he seems to be doing alright.

The other reason bandied about is that Eto’o is being greedy. He wanted parity with Barca’s top earners — a fair point considering his vast contribution to the cause — but the powers that be deemed him not deserving.

Again I struggle to understand that logic.

The one thing that made Barcelona such a terror was the unique talents of their front three. Thierry Henry, lithe-like and capable of remarkable goals, Messi the dazzler and creator of havoc. And then Eto’o, the ultimate goal poacher. And they all did their jobs expertly.

“Ibra” strikes me as being very similar to Henry, in that he is smart, suave and blessed with wonderful control, but certainly does not possess the deadly instincts of the Cameroonian.

Time will tell, but I for one think Eto’o will continue to thrive and stick up another two-finger salute at a former employer. This is the same man who was snubbed by Real Madrid in his youth and how he has made them pay over the years.

I cannot see the logic in letting him go or replacing him with “Ibra”. The Swede is known for his lack of modesty, too. And to make it worse, he has the curious habit of disappearing in the really big games.

Where was he against Manchester United in the Champions League? Has he been spotted wreaking havoc in a Euro Championship? I gather not, yet Eto’o — who has won just about everything bar a World Cup with Cameroon and Barcelona, has been auctioned off to any Arab, mogul or Milan manager within earshot.

But that’s football, eh.

This stinks of the same kind of stuff that occurred when one Claude Makelele requested a bump up in pay to repay his fantastic role in making the Galacticos tick.

What did Madrid do?

They told him to stuff it, he was too greedy and an ingrate. Well, they won squat for years while Makelele made hay in England and even got a position named after him.

Similarly, no one does Eto’o quite like him.

I mean, really, would you rather have 40 million euros plus a proven goal poacher or an entertainer not averse to becoming a passenger when it matters most?

I think I know which I would prefer.


Lungani Zama

Lungani Zama

Lungani Zama is a sports writer at The Witness daily newspaper in Pietermaritzburg, writing mainly on local and international cricket. He brings an alternative perspective to the English Premier...

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