Submitted by Sean Lloyd

We’ve all come to look up at certain people in our lives and often the brands we use are ones that have in some way been endorsed by someone we look up to. From Lance Armstrong, Nike and Oakley, to Kelly Slater and Quiksilver, each brand has a face to it that we often relate to or look up to.

To then have KFC sponsoring our national cricket team just seems a bit strange. A mere mention of “KFC chicken abuse” in Google brings up scores of links. Not to mention the fact that KFC chickens are no doubt pumped with unnatural drugs, then coated in crumbs and fried in oil.

Where is the link between KFC and cricket, a healthy sport? KFC should never ever be allowed to associate itself with a sport that kids grow up playing. There is nothing good about KFC, and I’m not trying to say that we should never eat junk food, but to associate it with cricket is an inaccurate representation of what the cricket lifestyle is.

This must clearly be a money-driven issue, and then you have to ask, do we trust South African cricket? Do they have the best interests of their supporters in mind?

Some may argue that brands like Castle should not be allowed to associate with cricket, but at least a Castle is for over 18s and it’s not as though it’s actually that unhealthy. And besides, the barley and malt cannot be injected with unnatural drugs and then slaughtered.

I just think KFC associating with a sport like cricket can only be money-driven and not a true endorsement of a quality brand that the public can trust and believe in.

Lloyd writes for a Cape Town lifestyle website and also works on the marketing side of SA Sport Travel


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