Comeback Of The Year

Adi Jacobs was one of the most contentious selections in PdV’s first squad. Long written off as a lightweight show pony impact player not suited to the grind of Test rugby by those who had forgotten how he made Etienne Botha look good at the Falcons in the early noughties, he had a year that he will find difficult to top. That he and Jean de Villiers almost immediately struck up a near-telepathic understanding just underlined what a class act he (and Jean) is.

Explosive and unpredictable, with ball in hand, he more than stood his own on defence and if you want further proof of the impact he has made, look no further than how immense Jacque Fourie has been in his cameos since he returned. They will fight for that jersey and that can only be good for SA Rugby.

Best Newcomer (Test rugby)

BEEEEEAAASSSSST!!!!!!!!!! Like Shoooeees, Feeeesh and Boooth in our other national obsession, that says it all.

Immovable in the scrums, a veritable one man redoubt on defence and like an extra loose forward around the park. With the Os retired, we could have done a LOT worse than young Tendai. Long may he rule the front row.

Best Newcomer (Domestic)

Jean Deysel. Pace? Check. Power? Check. Defence? Check. Mongrel spirit? Check. Positional awareness? Check. Handling skills? Check. The Lions must be kicking themselves at having let him go. Hard luck I say, but all the better for SA Rugby and my beloved Sharks. This kid will be a legend when he graduates to the Green and Gold.

Stepping up to the Plate Award

Ruan Pienaar: going from out of form third choice scrummie for your country to the best find at pivot since a young Butch James was making Venus de Milo impersonations while hacking down Antipodean brutes takes some doing. To do it in only six months is phenomenal. Only Adi Jacobs had a greater “comeback” this year and I for one am very excited about this boy being our no 10 legend for the future.

What the F! Award

Eish, where do I start?

Big Joe van Niekerk: PdV shows immense faith in him by recalling him to the Bok team after what seemed like an eternity in the sidelines. Think about this, the last time Joe was a Bok regular, Jacob Zuma hardly existed in the national psyche; he had an encouraging start, and then … he left. Huh?

The brouhaha over the Bok emblem: let’s put this to a national vote. Or toss a coin. Or bulldoze a top-down decision through and get it over with for sweet heavens sake. How long will it remain a political dick swinging tool?

Luke Watson: I don’t disagree with some of his views, but wow, what a way to alienate people and make no friends. Preseason training should be fun. And he drinks Rooibos *shakes head*. Still our best fetcher mind.

Whichever doos is responsible for the sex-tape that never was. If only for the damage done to the national psyche by the thought of Snor getting a leg-over in public. And good work to Whackhead Simpson for the spoof tape. That was funny.

Moment of the Year

I have the utmost respect for Fourie du Preez and truly believe he is our best no 9, but let’s be honest, he would NEVER have even thought to go for that chip and chase in Dunedin.

Ricky’s moment embodies what PdV meant about players having the freedom and courage to play the situation in front of them. Grind away, grind away and when the gap comes, take it and with it, the immortality that it brings.

Honourable mention to Jacque Fourie’s two tries on the mudfest tour and Jongi Nokwe high-fiving a fan in the stands after going through for one of his tries at Ellis Park.

Low of the Year

The racist incident at Ellis Park. No more needs to be said about this than what has been voiced already. Let’s stamp it out people.

A not-so-distant second has to be the booing at Kings Park. It is ok to be unhappy with your team; it is ok to voice this unhappiness. There are constructive ways to do this though. But booing the Bokke off the turf at home? Unacceptable.

Quote of the Year

See any PdV press conference. The man is pure sound bite gold. Can you imagine him as Muhammad Ali’s PR? That would have been classic.

Loud, outspoken, controversial, not a tad naïve and passionate to the last but, as he pointed out, one thing he isn’t, is God.

Rugby League Team of the Year

Province. Who needs forward play in 2008 hey? Just swing it bru!

The Gary Teichmann Stupendous Skipper Award

John Smit. Worth his place in the team on his leadership skills alone. Not a bad tight head either. Try him at 10 Snor?

Monster Hit Award

Bakkies. Hard, forceful and made a great and obvious difference to the match situation. Nice work.

Player of the Year

JP Pietersen. Ticked every box in the wing play checklist. And made it look easy.
A class act. Nuff said.


Siyabonga Ntshingila

Siyabonga Ntshingila

Siyabonga Ntshingila is a walking example of how not to go through life productively. Having been chanced his lackadaisical way through an education at one of the country's finest boys schools and a...

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