In the dead of night, the Durban city centre is not for the faint-hearted. Like many CBDs around the world, criminals use the cover of darkness to operate and soft-targets – like tourists – are particularly vulnerable.

But for one wonderful weekend a few months ago, the port city was one of the safest on the planet.

The occasion was the 2010 Preliminary Draw – FIFA’s first major event on African soil – and a security blanket in and around the International Convention Centre, the beachfront and even the CBD ensured that the thousands of delegates and tourists were safe.

It was the start of a blue-print which has seen the SA Police Services (SAPS) working with security agencies from around the world to create no-go zones (for criminals) in every 2010 host city.

And over the past few days there have been some interesting developments. The SAPS has been given an arsenal of new equipment to boost security for the tournament. This includes eight Remote Operated Vehicles which come with an array of sensors, six new helicopters, six command and control vehicles, new French crowd management control equipment and an Israeli-manufactured water cannon truck.

The police and Departments of Justice and Correctional Services have also thrashed out a plan for the possible arrest, court appearance and brief detention of offenders during the tournament.

New Safety and Security Minister Nathi Mthethwa has vowed to take criminals “head-on” to ensure that South Africans become confident about their safety ahead of the tournament. And with an additional 55 000 new personnel being recruited and trained within the next year, perhaps crime-weary South Africans can look forward a new-found sense of safety.

It’s one of the most important legacies the World Cup is likely to leave with us.


Craig Urquhart

Craig Urquhart

Craig Urquhart is a former Fifa World Cup media officer. He runs Project2010, a 24/7 news portal of South Africa's preparations for the 2010 World Cup. 

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