The plague of rancid undesirables unleashed by Zuma Simpson’s rise to power and now squirming out of the woodwork took another dangerous leap forward yesterday with the announcement by a shady clandestine black racist group calling itself the Forum of Black Journalists that it was to be addressed by old Showerhead himself.

Joining the ranks of other racist Wearers of the Black Sheet and Burners of the Sacred Konka, such as the odious Black Lawyers’ Association (Christine “Holier than Thou” Qunta’s bizarre and largely useless home base) and the now-infamous Black Management Forum (home planet of Eishkom’s Jimmy Manyi), the FBJ signals another acceleration in the headlong stampede towards racial division and the cementing of our status as a Third World superpower.

702 Eyewitness News reported yesterday that only black journalists would be allowed to listen to He Who Has to Look Up the Meaning of “Crook”.

“The group says it’s restarting after fading from public view and Zuma has agreed to speak at its founding imbizo today [Friday]. The head of the Human Rights Commission, Jody Kollapen, says while the group possibly has the legal right to be racially exclusive, it doesn’t help reconciliation.”

Well said, Jody; now take your Vitamin Courage medicine and go back to sleep.

I’m willing to give 10:1 odds that the FBJ’s motto, “If we not good enuff draggem down to our level”, will only be translated into nine of the 11 official languages (no colonisers’ taal here).

A spokespearsen denied the FBJ was coined after a revise sub-editor at Sowetan wrote “Fucking bad job!” across his copy. So, if you can’t make the grade with the rest of us, form your own group, get a crook to give you publicity and exploit the loopholes in the Bill of Rights and the Constitution. Just like all the other racially defined forums and associations and groups — with or without bed linen.

Next they will be demanding the right to park their Beemers and China-eyes in the disabled parking bays, and, of course, they will want the results of all the 2010 soccer matches a month in advance to give them time to write their stories by deadline.

The fact that the Dark Lord Sauron is scheduled to be their guest of, er, honour (I guess …) speaks volumes for this sad little ragtag crew of wannabe Black Penthers, the ominous post-Polokwane depression that continues building up ferocity and what we can expect from the Last King of Nkandla as our next president.

Marshalling the latest state-of-the-art marketing weaponry, the FBJ’s inaugural function is the PR equivalent of the ultra-sub-standard journalism that probably made it a nxa idea to reform themselves in the first place.

Its marketing campaign consists of “emailing newsrooms around the country, calling on people to pass on the invitation to black journalists”. This is the Must-Attend-Doll Event of the Year, dwarfing the Oscars, the Beijing Olympics and even Saturday morning’s pancake sale by the Vrouevereniging of Draghoender.

And they told us it couldn’t get any worse. Yeah, right!

Footnote: Later news names the chairman of the FBJ as one Abbey Makoe. I’ve seen some of his copy and “atrocious” is a euphemism. As disadvantaged today as he was back then and will be still 50 years from now. Ag shame!


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