It’s a terrible movie, but then it’s a terrible world. The one where Drew Barrymore has a head injury — she’s cute and sweet and she’s stuck in the same day over and over again. She doesn’t remember anything that happened the day before, so she wakes up bright and fresh and innocent and appealing every day.

Bandit Bob has mobilised his thugs and is blaming his problems on the British. Well, that’s a surprise. He’s never done that before, has he?

Bandit Bob is screwing with election results and saying never never never never never will anyone else rule Zimbabwe. Well, that’s a surprise. He’s never done that before, has he?

Zanu-PF squads are beating up people if they think that they voted for the MDC. Well, that’s a surprise. They’ve never done that before, have they?

President Mbeki is quietly letting the Cat of Unforgivable Mistake get his tongue. Well, that’s a surprise. He’s never done that before, has he?

Drew must have keenly observed Southern African politics when she was doing research for her role.


Terri Barnes

Terri Barnes

Terri Barnes is an associate professor of history and gender/women's studies at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, and a former faculty member in History, and higher education policy at the University...

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