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Fitting UC into your business — five questions you should ask before buying

You’ve thought long and hard about it, and you’re finally ready to adopt unified communications (UC), including its foundation, Voice over IP. Part of the attraction is the rich application benefits of this technology, but you’re also painfully aware that its array of predecessors, including TDM (time division multiplexing) switched telephony, won’t be around or […]

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Leadership starts with us

By Kayeye Cedric Ntumba According to a paper delivered in 2004, “Strengthening African Leadership”, by Robert I Rotberg, the Director of the Programme on Intrastate Conflict at Harvard University’s John F Kennedy School of Government and President of the World Peace Foundation, Africa has long been saddled with poor, even malevolent, leadership: predatory kleptocrats, military-installed […]

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What is creativity?

How does it work? Is it mere imitation, or transformation, or could it be — under rare circumstances — “pure” creation, that is, out of thin air, as it were? This last possibility is captured in the Christian doctrine of “creatio ex nihilo”, which is attributed to God — the creation of the universe out […]

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2011: The year of big data

This was the year of big data. In the last two to three years we have accumulated more data than ever before[1]. This provides both a challenge and an opportunity for companies, and the ones who get it right fastest are going to lead the pack. There are three trends related to this growth in […]

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Times are a-changing for Test cricket

I have read and listened with great worry over the last two months at the threat which Test cricket is perceivably under — made even more flamboyant by a media contingent keen to increase the content in their publications, on the Twitter pages and on their radio shows. I do see some level of threat […]

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E-commerce that suits you and converts customers

SA e-business is on the up and up. MasterCard’s recent survey of online shopping habits shows that 51% of connected South Africans shop online — 75% of them in the last three months. With these encouraging findings in mind, businesses know they have to start carving out an e-commerce strategy. Unfortunately, there is no magic […]