Posted inNews/Politics

Robbing miners to pay robber barons

In untransformed economic structures — as they exist in the mines — apartheid is alive and kicking. For all the reasons we can give about the “illegal” strikes and the lawful correctness of the mining houses to fire the workers, this is part of an injustice that reigns supreme in our beautiful land. We all […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Let the miners eat cake, too

Ask any person if they’d like to see an end to rampant corruption and inequality and I bet that if they’re sane and moral they’d answer a resounding “yes!” Corruption has been rated as the biggest scourge afflicting our fledgling democracy. What I don’t understand is why economic inequality is not treated with the same […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Rich black, poor black

We in South Africa, especially in the black community, have, for a very long time, pretended to live and die in a classless society. As a result, we have never critically examined the role and impact of class difference in the fragmentation of our elusive unity. We have never been a homogeneous group and thus […]

Posted inNews/Politics

Black diamonds sold out

The deep rumbles of discontent that have exploded into an orgy of violence among the poor in Marikana and other flashpoints are the stigma of the depravation of “black diamonds” who constitute the growing black middle class. Over the last 18 years, especially with the advent of affirmative action and black economic empowerment, we have […]