Why oh why does this happen? Why is it that as a people and a country we have such difficulties in dealing with dissent? You would swear that if someone disagreed with your ideas it could result in you losing a limb.

I remember in the not-so-long past that the media could not report on township activities. They could not report on the detention of 10, 13 and 16 year olds until the Detainee Parents’ Support Committee came along. I remember when the same people who are now proposing to silence the media could not get their ideas and views out to the general public. How to circumvent this, we had to print pamphlets inside the country using stolen keys from high school print shops. I remember how now these same self-serving, political hacks, thugs could give speeches for hours and hours on the importance of free speech and freedom of the press.

Why would you today in this day and age of the internet, SMS and MMS assume you could achieve this objective? You would assume this because you know no better. You would assume this if you had skeletons to hide. You would assume this if you thought the media exposes your activities, misspending of funds, that everyone requires a German state-of-the-art sedan (as if you do not remember riding in taxis), you spend the taxpayers’ money on imported wines and spirits, you want to enrich your friends, family and fellow cronies at the expense of the taxpayers. If you think along these lines, then yes, the media tribunal makes sense to you.

So, let us take a different approach shall we? If we take this approach, I believe that we will be able to say there is no need for the “proposed” media tribunal. This is not a “proposal”, this is a threat, to the media, the population and anyone with a few brain cells to rub together and challenge ideas and behaviour.

I have just 10 very simple requirements for those who have now “proposed” this idiotic idea. We will not need a media tribunal if:

1. You understand that you are a serving minister doing your job as delegated by the people and not doing us a favour.

2. You recognise freedom of speech and the press. You have obviously forgotten the Freedom Charter. First this, “The people shall govern” and “All bodies of minority rule, advisory boards, councils and authorities shall be replaced by democratic organs of self-government”. Remember this? This means you cannot impose a “tribunal” to ensure that your ill-deeds cannot be exposed.

3. You have no need to spend millions of rands on tricked-up foreign cars.

4. You do not spend the taxpayers’ hard-earned money on way-over-the-top accommodation.

5. You care to answer truthfully and honestly all questions posed to you.

6. You are willing as a public servant to be accountable

7. You deliver on what the populace needs, service, education, health, running water, housing, employment and yes, freedom of speech.

8. You are willing to criticise and be criticised.

9. You are willing to step aside when time comes so those willing to do their duties can do it successfully.

10. You respect the sanctity of the office you hold.

Lest we forget we have a responsibility as the populace to vote these “political hacks” out of office. If we do not exercise this power then we are equally culpable.

This is a stupid idea. It benefits nobody but those hiding something. Just do your job.


  • Lucky Ntuli is a father of two boys and one girl. He grew up in Emdeni, Soweto. He yearns for the day boerewors will be available in all butcheries around the world and biltong will be accepted as the global standard for all dried meat. He firmly believes that political correctness has no room in an evolving and growing society because it limits the ability to point out the obvious.


Lucky Ntuli

Lucky Ntuli is a father of two boys and one girl. He grew up in Emdeni, Soweto. He yearns for the day boerewors will be available in all butcheries around the world and biltong will be accepted as the...

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